Uncle Scary Theories

The internet is abuzz with speculation about Uncle Scary. Let's explore some of the most plausible theories:

Theory 1: AI Experiment

This theory proposes that Uncle Scary is an experiment in artificial intelligence.

Pro: The repetitive nature of the videos and the channel's strange behavior could be part of the AI's learning process.

Con: Why would a niche horror movie Youtube channel be used as an AI's training data?

Theory 2: ARG (Alternate Reality Game)

Some believe Uncle Scary is an elaborate ARG, a fictional story interwoven with reality.

Pro: The reuploaded videos and channel deletions could be clues leading to a larger narrative.

Con: No story, games, or ciphers have been found in the Uncle Scary channels so far.

Theory 3: Social Commentary

This theory suggests Uncle Scary is a satirical commentary on our media consumption habits.

Pro: The low-quality videos and repetitive content might be a critique of our fascination with the bizarre.

Con: If this is all a big art project, why is there no mention of it anywhere on the web?

These are just a few theories, and the truth behind Uncle Scary remains a mystery. Do you have your own theory? Contact me!